Who is Old Man?

Crossing over to Earth can be a long scary journey for most Earth Wrinkles. To help ease the process is our humble friend, Old Man! Old Man is the Earth Wrinkle Portal guide. He harnesses the noble task of making sure each Earth Wrinkle is safe and well along their personal journey to great Earthly adventures. He maintains a telepathic connection with these wonderful creatures whose home planet is light years away. Old Man is also a loyal companion to me and all the other critters he comes across. We thank Old Man for his calm presence and his continued service as a Portal guide, but most importantly we thank him for being a kind individual who reminds us constantly to love the planet we live on.

There are many reasons Old Man is special. The most important reason is that he is my personal Earth Wrinkle companion, my confidant, my go-to for any wild adventures! We have traveled up the Pacific Coast Highway together, spent two months in Thailand, lived alongside Glacier National Park's largest lake, Lake McDonald, and have driven hundreds of miles across the United States since he first entered my life. He even accompanies me to work or even our local grocery store. With Old Man by my side (or on my back) everything is much, much more fun!


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